From darkness to Light

Cloister steps towards the Chapel

I always enjoy trying out different cameras and so when I got the chance to use a Leica film camera recently, I was very excited. The Leica M-A is a beautifully simple camera, with no electronics whatsoever, not even a light meter. The combination of manual focusing and manual metering compels you to slow down and consider every photo carefully before pressing the shutter release. I found the process to be wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable and I soon realised I was paying more attention to exposure than I had ever done before.

Consider the scene above. A ‘normal’ camera, would meter the scene and work out an average based on the whole range of tones from white to black. I chose to meter though on the lightest part of the stone to the right of the archway – and thankfully am pleased with the result.

I like the way the steps draw us from the darkness to the light, an image of hope and encouragement that reminds me that ‘there’s a light at the end of the tunnel’…

Photo notes: Leica M-A, Zeiss Biogon 35mm f/2, Ilford HP5 Plus @400 ISO, developed in Rodinal.

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